EVIPNet Success Stories

After policy dialogue, the MoH decided to include proposed policy options in the 7th Global Fund project. The implementation process started already as a pilot for the lay health workers activities in 3 districts and to fully implement options to engage the private sector in adhering to national guidelines about subsidized drugs in all settings (pharmacies, clinics) and to ban monotherapies. After M&E of the pilot projects the lay health worker options a large scale implementation of lay health workers activities will be included in the 8th proposal to GFATM.
Uganda national policy dialogue held in the end of March for the updated policy brief. Senior policymakers decided to include the policy brief among the resource documents being used to develop the National Health Plan (2009) which in turn informs the Health Sector Strategic Plan (2010-2015)
After policy dialogue, all thre options of the policy brief were accepted into the Malaria Control Program of the country.

EVIPNet - Evidence Informed Policy Network
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